112 is the official emergency phone number in Greece providing service 24/7 also in French and English.
166 is the number for Ambulances.
199 is the Fire Department number.
If you need to call the Police hit 100.
108 is the phone number of the Coast Guard.
107 is the number for Pharmacies. You should know that pharmacies in Greece besides the normal working hours also operate during the night, but with shifts. Calling the number can let you know which one is available near you.
General Telephone Information can be acquired by calling 11888.
Here are also the phone numbers of specific Athens hospitals:
Evangelismos Hospital – tel. +30-210-720-1000
Alexandras Hospital – tel. +30-210-338-1100
Ippokratio Hospital – tel. +30-210-748-3770
KAT Hospital – tel. +30-210-628-0000
Laiko Hospital – tel. +30-210-745-6000
Areteon Hospital – tel. +30-210-728-6000
Eginitio Hospital – tel. +30-210-728-9500
Geniko Kratiko Hospital tel. +30-210-770-1211
Thriasio General Hospital – tel. +30-210-553-4200
Sismanoglio General Hospital – tel. +30-210-803-9001
Sotiria Hospital – tel. +30-210-777-8611